Background Papers

Note: All documents below are presented in English, as originally published.

Evaluation of equine immunoglobulin specific for Rhodococcus equi virulence-associated proteins A and C for use in protecting foals against Rhodococcus equi-induced pneumonia.
K.E. Hooper-McGrevy, S. Giguere, B.N. Wilkie, J.F. Prescott. AJVR, Vol 62, No. 8, August 2001. Download PDF
Prognostic value of clinicopathological variables obtained at admission and effect of antiendotoxin plasma on survival in septic and critically ill foals.
S.F. Peek, S. Semrad, S.M. McGuirk, A. Riseberg, J.A. Slack, F. Marques, D. Coombs, L. Lien, N. Keuler, B.J. Darien. J Vet Intern Med. 20: 569-574. 2006. Download PDF
Protection against clinical endotoxemia in horses by using plasma containing antibody to an Rc mutant E. coli (J5).
S.J. Spier, J-P. Lavole, J.S. Cullor, B.P. Smith, J.R. Snyder, W.M. Sischo. Circ Shock. 28: 235-248. 1989. Download PDF

Failure of Passive Transfer

Failure of Passive Transfer in foals: incidence and outcome on four studs in New South Wales
CM Tyler-McGowan, JL Hodgson and DR Hodgson, Aust Vet J 75: 56-59. 1997. Download PDF

Storage and Stability of Plasma and its Components

Coagulation parameters of thawed fresh-frozen plasma during storage at different temperatures
M Lamboo, DCW Poland, JCJ Eikenboom, MS Harvey, E Groot, A Brand, and RRP De Vries. Transfusion Medicine 17: 182-186, 2007. Download PDF
Vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors and fibrinogen levels in FFP remain stable upon repeated freezing and thawing.
O Ben-Tal, E Zwang, R Eichel, T Badalbev and M Hareuveni. Transfusion, Volume 43: 873-877. Download PDF
Serum biobank certification and the establishment of quality controls for biological fluids: examples of serum biomarker stability after temperature variation.
C Chaigneau, T Cabioch and F Betsou. Clin Chem Lab Med. 45(10): 1390-1395. 2007. Download PDF
Half-Lives of Immunoglobulins IgG, IgA and IgM in the serum of New-Born Pigs.
J Curtis and FJ Bourne. Immunology 24: 147-155. 1973. Download PDF

Indications for use of Plasma, Especially in Cases of Endotoxaemia

Current usage of intravenous immune globulin and the rationale behind it: the Massachusetts General Hospital data and a review of the literature.
K Darabi, O Abdel-Wahab, and WH Dzik. Transfusion 46: 741-753. 2006 Download PDF
Endotoxin, cytokines and lipid peroxides in children with intussusception.
IE Willetts, P Kite, GR Barclay, RE Banks, A Rumley, V Allgar and MD Stringer. British Journal of Surgery. 88: 878-883. 2001. Download PDF
Active Immunization with a Detoxified Endotoxin Vaccine Protects against Lethal Polymicrobial Sepsis: Its Use with CpG Adjuvant and Potential Mechanisms
S.M. Opal, J.E. Palardy, W.H. Chen, N.A. Parejo, A.K. Bhattacharjee, and A.S. Cross. Antiendotoxin Vaccine, JID (192), 15 December 2005. Download PDF
A Study of Intestinal Permeability in Relation to the Inflammatory Response and Plasma Endocab IgM Levels in Patients with Acute Pancreatitis.
JC Penalva, J Martinez, R Laveda, A Esteban, C Munoz, J Saez, J Such, S Navarro, F Feu, J Sanchez-Paya and M Parez-Mateo. J Clin Gastroenterology. 38: 512-517. July 2004. Download PDF
Endotoxaemia and cytokine production in experimental colitis.
PJD Neilly, KR Gardiner, SJ Kirk, G Jennings, NH Anderson, M Elia and BJ Rowlands. British Journal of Surgery 82: 1479-1482. 1995. Download PDF
Natural Cytokine Antagonists and Endogenous Antiendotoxin Core Antibodies in Sepsis Syndrome.
AS Goldie, KC Fearon, JA Ross, GR Barclay, RE Jackson, IS Grant, G Ramsay, AS Blyth and JC Howle. Journal of the American Medical association 274: 172-177. 12 July 1995. Download PDF

Indications for use of Plasma, Especially in Cases of Endotoxaemia in Horses

Equine Endotoxaemia – a state-of-the-art review of therapy.
BO Sykes and MO Furr. Aust Vet J 83: 45-50. 2005. Download PDF
Protection Against Clinical Endotoxaemia in Horses by Using Plasma Containing Antibody to an Rc Mutant E coli (J5).
SJ Spier, J-P Lavole, JS Cullor, BP Smith, JR Snyder and WM Sischo. Circulatory Shock 28: 235-248. 1989. Download PDF

Indications for use of Plasma in the Management of Rhodococcus Equi Infection in Foals

Necrotic Death of Rhodococcus Equi - Infected Macrophages is Regulated by Virulence-Associated Plasmids.
A Luhrmann, N Mauder, T Sydor, E Fernandez-Mora, J Schulze-Luehrmann, S Takai and A Haas. Infection and Immunity 72: 853-862. 2004. Download PDF
Identification of Pulmonary T-Lymphocyte and Serum Antibody Isotype Responses Associated with Protection against Rhodococcus Equi.
AM Lopez, MT Hines, GH Palmer, DC Alperin and SA Hines. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 9: 1270-1276. 2002. Download PDF
Epidemiology of Rhodococcus Equi Infections: A Review.
S Takai. Veterinary Microbiology 56: 167-176. 1997. Download PDF
Immunity to Rhodococcus Equi.
SA Hines, ST Kanaly, BA Byrne and GH Palmer. Veterinary Microbiology 56: 177-185. 1997. Download PDF

Therapeutic Benefits of E coli antibodies

Relationship of Preoperative Antiendotoxin Core Antibodies and Adverse Outcomes Following Cardiac Surgery
B. Guerrero. JAMA, Vol. 277(8). February 26 1997, pp. 646-650. Download PDF
Hyperimmunization of Steers with J5 Escherichia coli Bacterin: Effects on Isotype-Specific Serum Antibody Responses and Cross Reactivity with Heterogeneous Gram-Negative Bacteria
A. Chaiyotwittayakun, J.L. Burton, P.S.D. Weber, K. Kizilkaya, F.F. Cardoso, and R.J. Erskine. Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 87(10), 2004. Download PDF
Development of an anti-core lipopolysaccharide vaccine for the prevention and treatment of sepsis
Alan S. Cross, S. Opal, P. Cooka, J. Drabick, A. Bhattacharjee. Vaccine 22, 2004, pp. 812–817. Download PDF
Natural Cytokine Antagonists and Endogenous Antiendotoxin Core Antibodies in Sepsis Syndrome
A.S. Goldie, K.C.H. Fearon, J.A. Ross, G.R. Barclay, R.E. Jackson, I.S. Grant, G. Ramsay, A.S. Blyth and J. C. Howie. JAMA, Vol. 274(2). 12 July 1995, pp. 172–177. Download PDF
Anti-endotoxin Hyperimmune Globulin Attenuates Portal Cytokinaemia, Phagocytic Cell Priming, and Acute Lung Injury after Lower Limb Ischaemia-reperfusion Injury
D.W. Harkin, R. Arnold and M. Hoper. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 33, 2007, pp. 330-339. Download PDF
Circulating Endotoxin and Antiendotoxin Antibodies During Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock
E. Maury, H. Blanchard, P. Chauvin, J. Guglielminotti, M. Alzieu, B. Guidet, and G. Offenstadt. Journal of Critical Care, Vol. 18(2), June 2003, pp. 115–120. Download PDF
Effects of Decreased Preoperative Endotoxin Core Antibody Levels on Long-term Mortality After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
E.W. Moretti, M. F. Newman, L. H. Muhlbaier, D. Whellan, R. P. Petersen, D. Rossignol, C. B. McCants, B. Phillips-Bute and E. Bennett-Guerrero. ARCH SURG, Vol. 141, JULY 2006. Download PDF
Endotoxaemia and cytokine production in experimental colitis
P. J. D. Neilly, K. R. Gardiner, S. J. Kirk, G. Jennings, N. H. Anderson, M. Elia And B. J. Rowlands. British Journal of Surgery, Vol. 82, 1995, pp. 1479–1482. Download PDF
Active Immunization with a Detoxified Endotoxin Vaccine Protects against Lethal Polymicrobial Sepsis: Its Use with CpG Adjuvant and Potential Mechanisms
S.M. Opal, J.E. Palardy, W.H. Chen, N.A. Parejo, A.K. Bhattacharjee, and A.S. Cross. Antiendotoxin Vaccine, JID (192), 15 December 2005. Download PDF
A Study of Intestinal Permeability in Relation to the Inflammatory Response and Plasma Endocab IgM Levels in Patients with Acute Pancreatitis
J.C. Penalva, J. Martínez, R. Laveda, A. Esteban, C. Muñoz, J. Sáez, J. Such, S. Navarro, F.Feu, J. Sánchez-Paya´ and M. Pérez-Mateo. J Clin Gastroenterol Vol. 38(6), July 2004. Download PDF
Estimation of Protective Levels of Anti-O-Specific Lipopolysaccharide Immunoglobulin G Antibody against Experimental Eschenichia coli Infection
D.E. Schiff, C.A. Wass, S.J. Cryz, Jr., A.S. Cross and K. Sik Kim. Infection And Immunity. March 1993, pp. 975–980. Download PDF
Endotoxin, cytokines and lipid peroxides in children with Intussusception
I. E. Willetts, P. Kite, G. R. Barclay, R. E. Banks, A. Rumley, V. Allgar and M. D. Stringer. British Journal of Surgery 2001, Vol. 88, pp. 878–883. Download PDF
Comparison of J5 Vaccinates and Controls for Incidence, Etiologic Agent, Clinical Severity, and Survival in the Herd Following Naturally Occurring Cases of Clinical Mastitis
D. J. Wilson, Y. T. Grohn, G. J. Bennett, R. N. Gonza lez, Y. H. Schukken, and J. Spatz. Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 90(9), 2007. Download PDF