Donor Animals

VIL's equine blood products are collected from VMD-registered blood donor animals. Prior to acceptance, the Department of Serology, UC Davis screens the animals for their suitability as plasma and red cell donors.


Equine Donors

VIL's donor horses are routinely vaccinated with the following herd health vaccines: Equine Influenza, Streptococcus Equi, Tetanus, and EHV 1 and 4.

Plasma donors must be free of agglutinins and hemolysins to common red cell antigens. Each donor must also test negative for antibodies to EIA, EVA, and piroplasmosis. Donors are also screened for the presence of Equine Parvovirus, Equine Herpes Virus 1 and 4, Equine Rhinovirus A and B, Strep Equi A and C, Theileria Equi, and Babesia Caballi.

Once donor animals are accepted, frequent monitoring ensures continued freedom from disease.