
What is your canine plasma's
ROI (Return on Immunity)?

When their future is in your hands, what’s in your freezer matters.

Learn how Caniplas® can benefit your canine patients
Plasvacc - Caniplas Canine Plasma

It's not hype.
It's hyperimmunized.

Caniplas® fresh frozen plasma products have more antibodies for better immunity. Better immunity helps shorten the course of treatments, reduces hospitalization periods, and lessens the quantity of drugs required to treat a variety of conditions.

Canine Plasma Products

"Just wanted to say how great Caniplas has been in our emergency center! Just finished using it on a severe pancreatitis case—great results!"
DeWayne Biddle, DVM

Recent studies and experience in veterinary practices with the use of our canine plasma has shown that Caniplas® may aid in shortening treatment periods and increase the survival rates of the following conditions:

  • Acute Pancreatitis
  • Severe tissue trauma, such as with motor vehicle accidents or major surgery (amputations in large dogs)
  • Any diarrhea, which is serious enough to necessitate fluid therapy
  • Parvovirus infection*
  • Occult bleeding (e.g. lungs), even with no history of rodenticide ingestion**
  • Von Willebrand dogs, to top up clotting factors, before surgery**

Do you know what’s in your Canine plasma?

With Plasvacc plasma, you get single-source donor tracking and cell-free plasma. Our donor animals are carefully screened, meticulously cared for, and quarantined.

  • Donors are hyperimmunized for parvovirus antibodies
  • Fresh frozen shelf life of 20 months**
  • Replacement guarantee
  • Donors are quarantined and screened to be free from disease
  • Available for purchase conveniently from your Veterinary Distributor

Canine Products & Services


Give your dog better odds. Caniplas fresh frozen plasma for dogs.

Caniplas Canine Plasma

Diagnostic Kits

Canine and feline blood testing kits. Easy to use, rapid results.

Diagnostic Kits
Canine Diagnostic Kits