Equine Plasma Products
We can provide you with Packed Red Blood Cells for short term storage.

Equiplas® (Equine IgG) is equine plasma licensed for the treatment of failure of passive transfer (FPT) in the equine neonate. The minimum IgG level is 1800 mg/dl and one 950-ml bag will increase a healthy foal’s circulating IgG level by about 250 mg/dl. This product is USDA-licensed.

Equiplas® Plus
Equiplas® Plus (Equine IgG) is USDA-licensed equine plasma with a high IgG level. Plasma contains a minimum IgG level of 2800 mg/dl and one bag will increase a normal foal’s IgG by about 400 mg/dl. This product is available in 950-ml bags. Foals that are ill will not show the IgG increases indicated above because of rapid utilization of the transfused antibodies. The half-life of administered immunoglobulins is about 21 days in the normal foal and as low as 8 days in the sick foal. The amount of IgG required to confer protection on the young foal is very dependent on the environment and has been reviewed extensively. We recommend a minimum of 400 mg/dl in some situations and over 800 mg/dl in others. This depends on the likely pathogenic burden in the immediate surroundings.

Equiplas® R
Equiplas® R (Equine IgG & Rhodococcus Equi Antibody, Equine Origin) is USDA-licensed for the treatment of failure of passive transfer (FPT) and/or as an aid in the management and control of respiratory disease associated with Rhodococcus equi. This product is intended for use in foals less than 6 months of age and is supplied in 950ml bags. The time of administration is critical since the half-life of the transfused immunoglobulins is about 21 days. Ideally, plasma should be given just prior to exposure to the organism, which usually coincides with the onset of hot, dusty conditions. Optimal results are seen when the first dose is administered within the first 24 hours of life and a second dose administered 4 to 6 weeks later. Equiplas® R is supplied in 950 ml bags.

Equiplas® REA
Rhodococcus equi Antibody is a USDA licensed plasma containing antibodies to Rhodococcus equi. Independent university research has shown that plasma containing specific antibodies to this organism is helpful in aiding in the prevention and moderation of foal pneumonia caused by R. equi. This product is intended for use in foals less than 6 months of age. The time of administration is critical since the half-life of the transfused immunoglobulins is about 21 days. Ideally, plasma should be given just prior to exposure to the organism, which usually coincides with the onset of hot, dusty conditions. Optimal results are seen when the first dose is administered within the first 24 hours of life and a second dose administered 4 to 6 weeks later. Equiplas® REA is supplied in 950 ml bags.

Equiplas® B
Clostridium Botulinum Type B Antitoxin is licensed by the USDA. This product is labeled for prophylactic administration to horses with probable exposure to Clostridium botulinum Type B toxin or spores. Single dose sizes are available for either adult horses (20,000 IU) or for foals under one month of age (5,000 IU). Cl. botulinum antitoxin has been used in cases where symptoms are already apparent, to neutralize toxin that has been ingested. Plasvacc is prepared to consult on any potential botulism cases.

Equiplas® WNV
West Nile Virus Antibody, Equine Origin can be administered to provide passive immunity as an aid in the control of disease associated with West Nile Virus in adult horses. The WNV Antibody is supplied in 950-ml bags and is administered at a dose of 2 ml/kg to provide a protective PRNT level. WNV Antibody is a USDA conditionally licensed product.

Equiplas® D
Equiplas D is Normal Equine Plasma that has been collected from equine donors known to be vaccinated with J-5 E.coli, Salmonella, Clostridium Perfringens, Clostridium Difficile and Rotavirus. Equiplas D is collected from a disease-free equine donor herd and available in 950ml bags.

EquiEnteric is Normal Equine Plasma that has been collected from equine donors known to be vaccinated with J-5 E.coli, Salmonella, Clostridium Perfringens, and Rotavirus. EquiEnteric is collected from a disease-free equine donor herd and available in 950ml bags.